JonathanJul 5, 2023Fun MathematicsInteractive Voronoi Diagram Maker in PygameWe implement the Voronoi Diagram algorithm into Pygame so that it updates its Voronoi Cells as we add defining points.
JonathanJul 2, 2023Fun MathematicsImage Processing Algorithms with OpenCV 3We implement an Auto-Palette-Simplification algorithm, A Voronoi Cell algorithm, and A Color Sieve algorithm on images in OpenCV-Python.
JonathanJun 26, 2023Fun MathematicsMaking a Graph Class in Python 3 - More GUIWe add a lot of functionality to the GUI - Adding/Removing vertices and edges, returning graph info, and returning some graph matrices.
JonathanJun 26, 2023Fun MathematicsMaking a Graph Class in Python 2 - GUIWe add some preset graphs and matrices to our Graph Class in Python and implement an "add_vertex" button with user-typed input in the GUI.
JonathanJun 25, 2023Fun MathematicsMaking a Graph Class in PythonWe create a Graph Class in Python to work with mathematical graphs. Then we create an interactive display using Pygame to visualize them.
JonathanNov 5, 2021Fun MathematicsLearning Pygame with Catan (Part 1)An Intro to Catan Who else here used to play Settlers of Catan as a kid? The first memory I have with the game is happily placing roads...